Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Diet To Lose Weight

Are you overweight?

Maybe you're just dying to shed a few pounds. In this image-based world we all share now days, a little extra weight can equal a heavy emotional burden. Fortunately, it doesn't have to be a struggle. You can drop those extra pounds, no matter how severe, and get on with your life. Do you diet to lose weight, or possible just exercise on a daily basis? Both are a good start. However, the key is doing them together to reach maximum results. Across America many people of all shapes and sizes exercise and diet to lose weight.

The process of losing weight can be a frustrating one. Not everyone has the time to hit the gym five days a week. We all have to work for a living, and then find some kind of balance for our families and our health.

If you are currently on a diet to lose weight...
what is your goal?
Are you able to exercise at home or even a little at work?

Many people think that's funny, but in reality, you may be able to accomplish a few exercises at work. Knock off 50 jumping jacks or 20 push-ups. It all counts, and is much better than nothing. The diet side of things can get hairy. You truly need to find a diet that suits your body's needs and metabolism. Once you've secured a healthy eating routine, you actually want to keep it forever. It's not over once you lose the weight. When you diet to lose weight, you stick with it or risk gaining all of the weight back.

Now, this doesn't mean you can't alter your eating habits. You just want to keep your caloric intake at a reasonable level.
If you exercise and diet to lose weight, but are not seeing sufficient results; it may be time to find a new regime. You can easily hop on the Internet and locate a plethora of diet and fitness routines. There are infinite facts and pointers at your fingertips to aid you in this process. While many of us exercise and diet to lose weight, not all of us see fast results.

The trick is truly finding the right plan for you. It may also be prudent to consult a nutritionist and a personal trainer in your pursuit of weight loss. The plus side to losing weight these days is the numerous options. We know so much more about what works and what doesn't. Get on the Internet today and get started with your weight loss regime.

It's never too late to get in shape and diet to lose weight.

Happy reading and start lead a healthy life now......

3 Day Diet - weight loss really work???

Alright the most talk about health issue now is fat loss( without doubt)
Yes, lossing fat is the most difficult thing to do and is dangerous if doing in a wrong way.

Has anyone tells you to eat saltine crackers, toast, eggs, tuna, coffee, tea, apples, cheese. All regular stuff, nothing magical or high tech?in any of it, and in 3 days, you're supposed to lose all of that weight. I have trouble believing it.

Everyone, it seems, is trying strange fads or ingesting crazy concoctions to lose weight or improve their health. They want a get slim quick fix, or an easy elixer of youth, or something else equally absurd instead of to take the time actually required to improve health.

The latest fad is called the 3 day diet, and it claims that, by consuming what it tells you to, you can lose ten pounds in three days. Come on, are we foolish or what???

What I gather from many people who encountered the above mentioned weight loss or fat loss 3 day diet is that, it actually failed.
And in many times, it not the users fault for not following the diet strictly.
Ok, I will now tell you what is the main failure for this diet course.

This can be dangerous, and is certainly unhealthy.

It is probably because of the small amount you eat on the 3 day diet, and it probably is mostly water weight.?Water weight means that what you lose is mostly water flushing out of your system, and very little body mass is actually reduced. Losing water weight is actually pretty pointless since it just means getting dehydrated.

The best way to lose weight is the old, traditional way, in my oppinion, although it takes a little longer. You exercise regularly, eat lots of green leafy vegetables, and also fruits in moderation, cut out processed and fatty foods, and don't snack between meals.
Also, very high carbohydrate food is not really good for your diet either as it will fill you up with calories. This is not a 3 day diet, or even a 30 day diet, but nonetheless, within a couple of months, you will be slimmer and healthier, and happier too.

There is another dangerous method of weight loss program and that is what many called 'Atkins diet'.
There are diets that are outright dangerous. The atkins diet, for example, works by throwing your liver into ketosis by eating nothing but lots of protien. This can cause liver damage, and in some cases, death. Nonetheless, it does make you lose weight at a high rate of speed, but once you get off it, you will probably gain the weight right back.

If you are going to get on a 3 day diet program, one thing to consider is what kind of exercise to do to supplement your dieting. Jogging is very good, but can be hard on your knees. Bike riding is a little safer on your joints in the long run. One of the best exercises, however, is swimming, because it is zero impact and exercises the whole body. Personally, I like to swim for at least half an hour every day.

Nothing makes me feel healthier or more refreshed.

Once again happy reading and lead a healthy life now ....... pls comments on what health related topics you would want me to post in here.

Health Care Start Today

Hello world,

Today I am going to kick start this blog with my many years research of health related topics, they are my collections from magazines, articles, newspaper cutting, and many more from friends and relatives who contributed in these few years.

Hope everyone can benefited from here, and feel free to add comments and suggest alternative cure or remedy of some of the health problems we facing today.

Happy reading and lead a healthy life today.